Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Mauro deserves his own post. He just does.

One of the best things about Mauro is that he is unflappably cheerful. Another is that he can be silly & revel in it. But he is also smart & efficient & understanding & of service & fun to know.

Mauro is like a bag of assorted jelly beans but with only the good kind -you know, without the more experimental flavors, like "cumin" or "onion."

Mauro is one of my favorite people in the whole world. He's awesome because when I get into a silly accent mood & go to the front desk to ask for "a skeedool for the trens to Neppels", he will hand me the schedule without batting an eye & answer "Chertainly, chignorina." And that's all there is to it.

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