Saturday, December 29, 2007

Evolution of Dance

Behold, the Evolution of Dance...
What is most wonderful about this clip is how comedian Judson Laipply slides naturally from one dance into the next. He starts off with Elvis Presley and progresses all the way to NSYNC, hitting many musical milestones along the way. It's a very organic journey past Chuck Berry, Michael Jackson's Thriller, the Bangles' Walk Like an Egyptian, Mc Hammer, the Running Man, the Macarena and other favorites.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Santa Chronicles

Merry Merry Christmas!

Do you find it difficult to shop for presents for your loved ones? Stuck on what to get your colleagues or friends? Well imagine Santa's task! Santa deserves major points! Ever wonder what he's up to this time of year?

I invite you to check out a wonderful blog. It's called the Santa Claus Blog, and it is written by Santa. Yes, that guy. I had no idea how taxing his job is and all the different legal hurdles he has to go through to deliver his presents.

I love this blog, and I will be checking in all through the year.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The best gift for yourself: realizing you can't do it wrong!

I wanted to share a great email I received from my friend, Marie Forleo, of "The Good Life." Marie is a Life Coach, a Nike athlete, and a top level Crunch fitness trainer. She is also the author of a terrific book called How to Make Every Man Want You. An audio version will be available soon.

Marie wrote:

I've been speaking with my VIP Private clients and noticed a common set of themes arising. And when more than one person is feeling something, it's usually a cultural current. One of things that people are reporting is a mild sense of sadness. Nothing major or devastating, just a dash of melancholy during what's supposed to be one of the happiest times of the year. So if find yourself feeling a little blue, rest assured you're not alone.
During the Holiday season, we often find ourselves feeling unusually pressured to "do it right." Whether that means buying the "perfect" presents, going to the "best" parties, or having the "right" things to say, many of us are left feeling like we're not measuring up. Add to that the picture perfect images of couples and families you see on TV and it's not surprising we feel like we're coming up a bit short.
(Can you relate?)
Well I've got a suggestion. I think it's time to give ourselves a break, have a good laugh and recognize we can't do it WRONG.
It's an impossibility for you to do the Holidays wrong. Whether you're having a quiet time at home, a fiesta with friends, or an adventure with your crazy-yet-nevertheless-entertaining family, it will all turn out exactly as it should.
The only question is whether or not you'll give yourself license to relax and enjoy the ride.
Remember, you can only be exactly as you are in each moment. That means you're a perfect you. (Yes YOU!) So accept this as your official "permission slip" to take a deep breath and relax into the rest of your Holiday. Trust that the plans you've made (or not made) and the presents you've bought (or not bought) are wonderfully and deliciously perfect.
If you find your mind racing, slow down and melt into the moment. Be wherever you are. Listen to the people you're with. Enjoy whatever unfolds - even if it's different that what you expect.
I wish you a blessed Holiday season and send a ton of love to you and yours,

If you would like a copy of Marie's book, you can download the digital version here that comes with a bonus video, transcript and additional ebook!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


A humor break is a wonderful tool to get back into the flow.

If you like cute kittens, check out the rofl cat website here.
If you don't, what the heck is wrong with you? LOL


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Men, Money & Chocolate

A very dear English friend of mine, Menna van Praag, has published a lovely and whimsical book that inspires and delights.

Men, Money & Chocolate is a fable that tells the story of Maya, a young girl who is inspired to go for her life with excellence after an encounter with a mysterious stranger.

Menna explains in her own words,

A little while ago I had an experience that flipped me into three days of enlightenment. Everything became clear. For the first time I could really see people, and knew what they were thinking. Most importantly of all, I could see what stopped them being truly happy.
On the third day I heard three words: Men, Money and Chocolate. It was the pursuit of love, security and pleasure that so often caused people to lose themselves and their chance of experiencing joy.
That day I started to write a book about my experience. Men, Money & Chocolate tells the story of a woman who learns the secrets to enlightenment and discovers how to get what she really wants without losing herself in the process.

You can read more about the book, as well as preview the first chapter on the official website here.

To purchase Men, Money & Chocolate, click here.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Four Agreements

Having read and adored The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz, I was very excited to read The Four Agreements. Ruiz is a Nagual (master) in the Toltec tradition. The Toltec were scientists and artists from Southern Mexico who formed a society to conserve and expand upon the spiritual knowledge and practices of their ancestors. Less of a religion than a way of life, the Toltec saw the sacred in the ordinary, much like followers of Taoism. As Ruiz explains, "Toltec considered science and spirit to be the same since all energy, whether material or ethereal, is derived from the same source and governed by the same universal laws."

In his book, Ruiz shares four agreements, or simple guiding principles, that can free us to live with well-being and true happiness.
  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
  2. Don't Take Anything Personally
  3. Don't Make Assumptions
  4. Always Do Your Best
In order to discover Heaven on earth, the author explains that we need only keep our word with ourselves and live with integrity. This will support our living in the present moment. By telling the truth and being with life as it actually unfolds, rather than disagreeing and investing pointlessly in how we would prefer it to be, we can be in harmony with our lives. You can learn more about this wonderful book on Ruiz' website here.

What I appreciated most about The Four Agreements is that its advice is so practical and achievable, even in a challenging environment such as New York City. Another book with practical wisdom that can put you in touch with the magic available in the present moment is Being Here: Modern Day Tales of Enlightenment, by Ariel & Shya Kane. Both Ruiz's and the Kanes' books have touched my life by supporting me in being the author of my life, and I recommend them wholeheartedly.

To purchase The Four Agreements, click Here.
To purchase Being Here, click here.