Thursday, December 20, 2007

Men, Money & Chocolate

A very dear English friend of mine, Menna van Praag, has published a lovely and whimsical book that inspires and delights.

Men, Money & Chocolate is a fable that tells the story of Maya, a young girl who is inspired to go for her life with excellence after an encounter with a mysterious stranger.

Menna explains in her own words,

A little while ago I had an experience that flipped me into three days of enlightenment. Everything became clear. For the first time I could really see people, and knew what they were thinking. Most importantly of all, I could see what stopped them being truly happy.
On the third day I heard three words: Men, Money and Chocolate. It was the pursuit of love, security and pleasure that so often caused people to lose themselves and their chance of experiencing joy.
That day I started to write a book about my experience. Men, Money & Chocolate tells the story of a woman who learns the secrets to enlightenment and discovers how to get what she really wants without losing herself in the process.

You can read more about the book, as well as preview the first chapter on the official website here.

To purchase Men, Money & Chocolate, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Alex,

How wonderful to see you here!
And how wonderful your blog. I LOVE the kitty.
And I totally support promoting Menna's book. It's a GREAT tale.

Nanette (Holland)